Ambache Chamber Ensemble | Melodic Lines | Oboe Classics


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Jeremy Polmear (oboe)
Philip Gibbon (bassoon)

Diana Ambache (piano)

Melodic lines abound in these trios – in the operatic melodies of Lalliet, or the opening of Poulenc's celebrated Trio.

Ceremony and melancholy is mixed in Geoffrey Bush's superb Trio, and Madeleine Dring contributes her characteristic wit and bounce.

Receiving their première recordings are Richard Stoker's french-influenced Miniatures, and the enigmatic melody of jazz/rock saxophonist Barbara Thompson's Green.

Overall, this CD shows what beautiful tunes and textures are to be had from oboe, bassoon and piano.

Additional information

SKU 2100002458811
Weight 105 g
Composer / Arranger

